Justine Provino participated in an episode of the Digital Human programme on BBC radio 4. The 30-minute episode was aired on Monday 6 November at 4:30pm and is now available on BBC sounds:
Presented by Aleks Krotoski and titled ‘Permanence’, this Digital Human’s episode features the self-destructive book Agrippa (A Book of The Dead) as the narrative thread to explore questions of memory and recollection of the souvenirs.
Agrippa (A Book of The Dead), the collaborative work of the Publisher Kevin Begos Jr, the writer William Gibson and the artist Dennis Ashbaugh is Justine’s case study for her PhD thesis. Her research is on the ephemerality of book-forms, the many forms that books can exist in from analogue to digital, and how much decay are we ready to tolerate (or not) to allow our consumption of books. Her professional background is as a Book Conservator.
Justine was interviewed for this radio show in early September. The BBC radio 4 programme expressed an interest in Agrippa following a symposium she organised on the book this past May, at the Bodleian Library, with the generous support of the DTP. The Bodleian is her external partner institution for her Arts and Humanities Research Council Collaborative Doctoral Award, which she is due to finish in exactly a month’s time.