The OOC DTP is excited to announce two new placement projects with one of our strategic partners - BT.
We are offering our DTP students the following exciting opportunities:
Languages and Cultures in Cooperative Decision Making:
BT, as a very large organisation concerned with optimising the development of technical and operational processes, wishes to find ways to break down the linguistic and cultural barriers between different local purposes and forms of knowledge, to facilitate the creation of more holistic solutions to problems and opportunities. The placement will involve working with Principal Research (Business Transformation) to map and then find ways to transcend or translate departments’ differing languages, cultures and modes of thought.
The Language of Risk:
Risk and the language around risk has potential to be highly emotive. BT needs to optimise organisational agility and operational processes, whilst empowering employees. To develop a greater understanding of the impact of language around risk on behaviours and attitudes within the workplace is therefore key. The placement will involve working with a Research Manager to better understand how individuals describe, work with and understand risk, and to develop a clearer appreciation of what appropriate language around risk could be within different organisational contexts.
Find out more about both opportunities here:
If you are an OOC DTP student and are interested in applying for either of these placements, please submit a CV, supporting statement, and a very brief summary of what attracted you to either project and some thoughts as to how you may approach the work. Please send these documents to by Friday 29 April 2022.