About the session:
At a time when 16-24 year-olds are the least likely adult age group (up to the age of 75) to visit a heritage venue, this session will consider how sector initiatives are actively seeking to engage younger people – not only as audiences, but also as collaborators in their programmes, research and even organisational governance. Speakers will reflect on their experiences of both engaging and being young people in the sector to suggest creative and practical ways for how we can engage the next generation of heritage professionals and visitors as the heritage custodians of the future.
- Chania Fox, Youth Participation Officer, English Heritage
- Dr Anna Clark, Engagement Officer, Oxford Preservation Trust (and former Heritage Pathway attendee)
- Carys Owen, Kids in Museums Youth Panellist & MSt History of Art student (and current Heritage Pathway attendee)
To register:
OOC DTP students at Oxford University are welcome to register via the booking link. OOC DTP students at the Open University or Cambridge University, please email training@humanities.ox.ac.uk to reserve a space.