Heritage Pathway Workshop: Ethics of co-producing heritage engagement

In this session, we will use practice-based examples to discuss current debates on who is represented, whose perspectives are centred, and who gets to participate in curatorial choices within heritage spaces. Who are museums and heritage sites for? What does participation mean in this context, and how does co-production mediate the tensions arising from these questions? 

Participants will be invited to critically reflect on dimensions of this discourse, including the interplay of language, power dynamics, funding, collective agency, and differing epistemological underpinnings in the participatory processes discussed. 



Prof. Kathryn Eccles, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute 


OOC DTP students at Oxford should register via this booking link: https://cosy.ox.ac.uk/accessplan/clientinput/shoppingbasket3/basket/wizard/editbasket.aspx?coursedateid=429595. Students at Cambridge and the Open University should please email training@humanities.ox.ac.uk if you wish to book a place. The booking deadline is 31 January.