**Unfortunately the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP Future Humanities event at The Open University on Wednesday 25 May, has been cancelled. Apologies for this inconvenience. Please do contact training@oocdtp.ac.uk with any queries.**
‘The solitary scholar and the research team’:
The morning will open with a panel session focused on ‘The solitary scholar and the research team’. The event is designed to help you think about the kind of research you do, and the tension (or happy co-existence?) between conducting research on your own, and doing it as part of a team. As researchers, you will eventually encounter both of these modes of work, perhaps one more than the other, and they both come with distinctive up- and down-sides. We hope it will be of immense value to you to discuss these issues, hear about the work of other scholars in the faculty, and talk to each other about how your research is going.
Chaired by Dr Ursula Rothe, the session will involve the following academic speakers:
The morning will be organised as follows:
09:45am: Tea, coffee and arrivals
10:15am: Welcome and introductions
10:30am: Session 1 - Panel talk about their research area and share their experience of solitary vs team research, followed by Q&A.
11.15am: Short break
11:30am: Session 2 - Panel discussion on solitary vs team research
12:30pm: Lunch
‘How do we help to SHAPE the future?’
Following lunch, the focus of the afternoon sessions will be on the question of ‘How do we help to shape the future?’ The Arts and Humanities help us to explore and understand what it means to be human, enable us to create knowledge and culture, and allow us to think analytically about our place in the world. However, they currently find themselves at a crossroads: with an increasing emphasis on the part of national governments on vocational qualifications, scholars in the Arts and Humanities have been finding new ways to collaborate, and to formulate and communicate the benefits of research and teaching in the field (see, e.g., https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/shape-at-the-british-academy/). This session will involve a panel discussion on the future of the Arts and Humanities, exploring such questions as: how can we make sure that the Arts and Humanities continue to thrive in the 21st century and beyond; what part can you play in this as early-career researchers? We are very lucky to be joined by Dr Molly Morgan Jones, Director of Policy at the British Academy, who will take part in the panel discussion and share her insights and experience during the afternoon.
Panel members also include:
The panel will be chaired by Professor Nicola J Watson.
The afternoon will be organised as follows:
12:30pm: Lunch
2:00pm: Session 1
3:00pm: Short break
3:20pm: Session 2
4:20pm: Closing remarks and take-away points
4.45pm: Close
To register:
Please register via Inkpath by 17 May indicating dietary and/or access requirements and if you are an Oxford or Cambridge student, whether you would be interested coach transportation to and from the event. If organising travel yourself from Oxford or Cambridge, reasonable expenses can be covered.