I graduated with a BA in Geography (2018) and MPhil in Geographical Research (2019) from the University of Cambridge. My MPhil research developed the notion of cinema as a site of memory, exploring the entanglements of film and landscape through the question of Holocaust commemoration in Kraków, Poland. Under the continued supervision of Professor Matthew Gandy and in collaboration with the Galicia Jewish Museum and British Film Institute, my PhD work will extend this research to analyse the relationships between visual digital technologies, Holocaust memory and landscape. In particular, it asks how cinematic depictions might function to sustain memory of the Holocaust for those who did not experience it, forming mnemonic frameworks that resonate with popular culture and affectively mediate landscapes of the Holocaust. I am interested in both the theoretical and practical aspects of these relationships, seeking to develop methodologies of 'memory work' that might contribute to educational and/or commemorative purposes in pedagogical contexts such as museum praxes and work with emerging visual digital technologies like virtual reality.